/* ----------------------------------------------------- Blogger Template Style Booted from wordpress to blogspot by Gecko Name: Death Designer: URL: http://www.geckoandfly.com Date: 27 April 2007 ------------------------------------------------------ */ Dios aprieta pero no existe!!: ¿Por qué me gustará tanto esta canción?

miércoles, junio 01, 2005

¿Por qué me gustará tanto esta canción?

I love Lucy
I love Lucy Liu
Yes I love her twice as much as you
Now there's Jolie
Angela Jolie
Could you ever look as good as she

I just want someone that would come home
Why don't you come home, why don't you come home

Now there's Zeta
Catherine Zeta-Jones
Yes her body is perfectly toned
When I meet her
We'll be mates you'll see
And i'll be the guy the guys want to be

I just want someone that would come home
Why don't you come home, why don't you come home
And just one star jump out of magazines into my arms
We took it too, we took it to far

You're watching watching you watching me
You're watching watching you watching me
You're watching watching you watching me
Stop watching me

I just want someone that would come home
Why don't you come home, why don't you come home
And just one star jump out of magazines into my arms
We took it too, we took it to far

Dogs Die In Hot Cars "Celebrity Sanctum"


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